Get Started on Your SIS Graduate Application

create account

Step 1: Create Account

Once you have created an account, you will be able to access the application form. Already have an account? Log in to continue your application. 聽

Apply to the School of International Service

Step 2: Apply

Submit your online application (you do not need to complete the application in one sitting) and pay the application fee (unless eligible for waived fee).

Submit supplemental materials

Step 3: Additional Materials

To complete your full application, submit supplemental materials early to allow time for items to be received.

View materials list

Experience SIS

The graduate admissions team offers a variety of ways to learn more about SIS programs including information sessions, Open Houses, webinars, online workshops, and more. We are always happy to schedule one-on-one phone calls or Skype meetings with students outside of the DC area.

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